
So continuing from my last post, which seemed rather dense a little more on the process I am undergoing … 

Shifting layers to be a clear vessel to really be able to listen to myself..and the beyond 

What does she want ?

What is she grateful for ?

What is her role in the big picture ?

What makes her happy ?

What is she creating ?

I was not happy with the photography I was pursuing I had to get rid of it all to really think about what I could contribute, a message , a truth , a feeling, something unseen but most of all the essence and beauty , a deeper meaning to why I was called to capture.

To detach from what I made myself believe I should be doing, but really opening up to an emptiness which can be frightening because it is so vast. I surrendered, let myself float, and at one point this emptiness was holding me with so much love and tenderness and I trusted.

This is unfolding in many ways and I will continue sharing ….

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